Two Year Old Getting Molar Checkup

How Can I Help My Child When Their Two-Year Molars Erupt?

Your two-year-old may temporarily become more moody. You start to think, “Oh, this is just the terrible twos.” Did you realize that the advent of their second teeth might impact your toddler’s behavior? Additionally, once their teeth sprout, they might become more challenging to manage than usual. When your toddler is teething, it can be frustrating for you too. But there are various ways to help your teething child at home.

What Should You Do If Your Child’s Molars Start to Grow?

The second molar, also known as the two-year molar, is the last pair of teeth at the back of the mouth. Your child will often start to show between the ages of 23 and 33 months. Even the happiest child may become irritated throughout this process since it might be uncomfortable. It’s conceivable that your child won’t be able to communicate how he feels. Here are some common warning indicators to look out for:

  • Perhaps your child is drooling more frequently than average.
  • They may display unusually agitated behavior.
  • Your child might be biting on their fingers, clothing, or toys.
  • They were able to sustain a low-grade temperature of about 99 °F.
  • Take a look if you can since the eruption zone has red gums.
  • disrupted slumber
  • The signs, as mentioned earlier, might all deteriorate overnight.

Along with the physical symptoms, it’s common to notice a change in your toddler’s temperament as they struggle with their molars erupting. Even the happiest child may get irritated and cranky throughout this process since it can be difficult and unpleasant. As a last option, pain in a two-year-old’s molar should not be treated with medicine. The good news is that your child can benefit from several effective therapies when their molars erupt. Anything chilly can soothe gum-cutting soreness. To massage their gums, allow your child to chew on a moist towel that has been cooled in the freezer. Use a piece of cool, wet gauze or rub it with a cold spoon to calm their gums. Gum rubs with the fingers might be beneficial as well. Eating firm, crisp, healthy meals is also good for your child’s developing gums.

Tooth decay might start as soon as a child’s teeth sprout. Parents begin brushing their children’s teeth as soon as they see them. However, waiting until a child is comfortable before beginning may be advisable. There are typically 20 primary (baby) teeth in a kid. Once the last of these has fallen out, usually when your child is a preteen, the adult set of 32 permanent (adult) teeth begins to grow behind them. Some kids may get their wisdom teeth later because their jawbone isn’t big enough for them to fit in the right place yet. A more prominent jaw will allow more significant adult and potential wisdom teeth.

Help Your Toddler With Teething by Calling Kids World Pediatric Dental.

Kids World Pediatric Dental would be delighted to be your family’s dental practice if you have worries about your child’s oral health or require a pediatric dentist. To make an appointment with Dr. Marielena Torres-Ricart, call us at (210) 787-1200 or online. We’ll be pleased to help you and your child navigate through the teething stage.

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