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How Our Family Tree Influences Our Dental Health

Our oral health is affected by numerous factors and our family history. Research has revealed that those with a genetic history of poor oral health have greater chances of developing it. Dental alignment, shape, and size are just the beginning. Our genetic heritage also affects the development of our jawbone and its health. Our heritage can influence our enamel’s ability to protect against acid and bacteria.

Impacts Of Family History On Our Oral Health

Our DNA is responsible for almost every facet of how our bodies are built and how it operates. If you’ve noticed that particular oral health concerns seem to run in your family, your genetics are a significant player in making it happen. The phrase “it runs in the family” isn’t just rhetorical verbal debris; it’s a genuine part of the makeup of our oral health. Common congenital oral health concerns include:

  • Dental misalignment and overcrowding
  • Development of the size and shape of our jaws
  • Improper bite
  • Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) concerns.

Regardless of your family’s oral health history, your oral hygiene practices are firmly within your control. Understanding your family history means that you will know what concerns to watch out for. This understanding can help you adjust your daily oral health care routine. No matter what, mouthwash, flossing, and brushing every morning and night will significantly affect your oral health. You may discover that some modifications are needed to your standard routine to address concerns such as misalignment or overcrowding.

  • Periodontal Disease (Gum Disease) – This condition is prevalent, even in those without any form of dental abnormality. So common that over a third of all American adults are likely to develop this condition. Bleeding after brushing, inflammation, and sensitive gums are all symptoms. Given that it’s easy to diagnose, it’s best to take action during its earliest stages. Inform your dental provider if you have a family background of periodontal disease.
  • Tooth Decay – Our dental hygiene habits are the most frequent cause of tooth decay. Some families share a tendency to weak enamel that has trouble protecting against acid and bacteria.
  • Weak Teeth – Poor nutrition resulting from poor dietary choices are sure to impact the durability of your teeth. However, genetics can also be a foundational reason for this weakness. If you’ve been informed that you have weak teeth, fluoride treatments and dental sealants can help strengthen and protect your teeth.
  • Misaligned Teeth – Of all the congenital dental concerns, misalignment is the most common. It’s best identified and reported during an individual’s development stages. This identification provides the best opportunity to address these concerns before they become more challenging.

These are the three most common congenital concerns faced by dental patients. Understanding your family’s dental history can help your dental provider properly treat your concerns.

Your Dentist Can Help With Family Oral Health

Sharing essential details of your family’s oral health is integral to ensuring you get the treatment you need. Contact your dental provider and update them with your complete medical and family history of oral health.

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