A Dental Hygiene Primer For Parents Of Special Needs Children


Helping your children brush and floss their teeth can be challenging, and it can be even more challenging for children with special needs. However, introducing them to good oral hygiene at a young age can be crucial to help them keep up with their dental hygiene and prevent issues from happening later on. At Kids World Pediatric Dental, we can provide some valuable tips on how to help them through their challenges and help them maintain excellent dental health. 

Our Brief Guide For Helping Your Special Needs Child With Their Oral Health

As parents, our children are a valuable part of our lives, and children with special needs often have different requirements for their physical and emotional care. It’s no different with their dental care, as they require an attentive, thoughtful approach that allows them to live their best lives. When caring for their teeth, it’s essential to help them maintain their oral health. If you’re looking for ways to care for your child’s oral health, here are some tips you can follow:

  • Start An Early Routine: One of the best ways to help children with special needs receive good oral care is to start teaching and instilling hygiene behaviors early. Giving them the time and space to recognize and follow through with routine can help them see the benefits of brushing and flossing because sometimes, the best way to help them with their care is to be a stable, consistent figure in their lives. 
  • Take Your Child To a Special Needs Dentist: Special needs dentists are dentists who work with special needs children on a constant basis, meaning they have the expertise and compassion necessary to help care for their teeth. They can provide cleanings and evaluations for your child’s oral health and help remove the sense of fear or discomfort they may feel when receiving dental care. 
  • Practice Patients and Compassion: Special needs children often have a different perspective of the world and how they experience it. In these cases, if they face sensory challenges when brushing their teeth, then taking the time to be patient and compassionate with them throughout the process can help them gradually adjust and learn about their environment. 
  • Learn About Sedation Options For Infants with Special Needs: Some special needs children face severe phobias and experience massive stress in the dental office, no matter the circumstances. In these circumstances, finding additional resources to help your child receive the care they need means that you’re putting their comfort first. Sedation dentists can be an excellent option, especially if they have cavities and need tooth extractions. 

Receive Quality Pediatric Dental Care at Kids World Pediatric Dental

Finding a dentist who can meet the needs of your child can be stressful, but at Kids World Pediatric Dental, our dentists work with many children, including special needs children, by providing them with a safe, comfortable environment to grow and learn about their dental health. Receive pediatric dental care from Dr. Marielena Torres-Ricart in San Antonio, TX, by calling (210) 787-1200 to schedule an appointment.