How To Keep Making Music in Band With Braces


When misaligned teeth are a part of your child’s experience, it can be exciting for them to finally have a straight smile. Having braces can lead to some adjustments needing to be made in their day-to-day activities. The most prominent involves carefully selecting food that won’t interfere with the braces. However, if your child is in the band and uses a wind instrument, you may find some accommodation is necessary to keep you playing during your treatment. Kids World Pediatric Dental will help you and your child know what you need to do to keep their passion for music uninterrupted!

How To Keep Making Music in Band With Braces

The good news is that having braces shouldn’t interfere with your child’s enjoyment of band. Wind instruments can present a little challenge, but there are ways to work around it. Those who play reed instruments tend not to have much difficulty at all. However, brass instruments tend to cause a bit more struggle. However, playing a brass instrument with braces is achievable and just takes a little effort to adjust to.

The first thing to do is to stick it out and experiment with your embouchure until you find the method that doesn’t interfere with your braces. Even better, braces can be a sort of secret weapon for those who stick it out. Studies of brass instrument players who stuck with it during orthodontic adjustment have a leg up over the rest. Learning how to play a brass instrument with braces positively affects your overall ability! Your embouchure control and overall skill level improve partly due to eliminating bad habits.

  • Give Time Between Practices – Practice is essential to gaining skill with your instrument, but you may need to space it out a little to get the best results with braces. When you first get your braces, limit your practice period to 15 or 20 minutes. If you begin to experience irritation in your lip, take a break and return to it later that day.  
  • Wax Is A Brass Player’s Best Friend – Orthodontic wax will save the day, especially when you first get your braces. This wax will protect your lip from the uneven edges of your braces and make playing your instrument more comfortable. Some special guards are made that you can wear to avoid irritation without interfering with your playing. Consult our team if you’d like to learn more about these.

It’s common for musicians to report that using more breath is necessary while they have their braces. This likely is the result of struggling to clamp down on the woodwind. Additionally, you will have to adjust your embouchure to find a new fit that works. These practices will improve your breathing technique, as well as your embouchure control in the future.

Learn More About Playing Instruments With Braces

If your child is about to embark on the journey of orthodontic care and play a wind instrument, bring them to see us in San Antonio, TX. You can start by giving our team a call at (210) 787-1200 and scheduling an appointment with Dr. Marielena Torres-Ricart today!